Clearing Your Channels
How do your routines affect your ability to connect?
What times in the day do you feel most connected? Most energetic?
Have you ever felt a feeling of “Oneness”? Where were you? What were you doing? What did it feel like for you?
Where do you find the most resistance?
In general? Or even just on a daily basis?
You can pinpoint this by beginning to observe where you notice a surge of emotions or anxiety arise.
Remember, this is simply blocked energy that is trying to move through you.
So, where does this come up for you?
Is it a physical ailment?
Is it a recurring situation that brings you anxiety?
Where would you say this energy manifests in your body? Is it your chest? Stomach? Reproductive organs? Legs? Head? Throat?
Notice the area you feel the energy most intently. You can further research chakra work via google or look at the list here.
Chest: Heart-Love, Emotions, Openness, Balancing Give and Take, Boundaries
Throat: Communication
Stomach: Solar Plexus- Confidence, Power, Purpose
Reproductive Organs: Sacral- Creativity, Sex (This is where shame can often manifest)
Lower Body: Root- Grounding, Security, Connection to Earth
Forehead/eyes: Third eye- Intuition, Imagination, Decision Making
Head: Consciousness, Awareness, Connection to source
Notice where these energies manifest and start focusing on incorporating more practices that encourage the openings of these chakras.
-Stress and Anxiety are simply emotions that arise in order to direct me to what currently needs my attention.
-Fear is not real. It is only real because I have allowed it to exist.
-Love is all that exist
-I heal my pain by sending it love and attention.
-Source is constantly communicating with me through my body.
-My body is a conduit for the divine. Everything I feel is a form of communication.
-When I begin to honor my body, I begin to honor myself and my connection to spirit.