Finding Connections

Hi Friends,

I hope everyone is enjoying the first week of Spring! The Spring Equinox symbolizes a time for new beginnings. Along with earth and nature, we enter new cycles of our lives. Think of how trees shed their leaves in the fall only to grow back again in the spring greener and brighter, we have the ability to do the same shedding those old beliefs that no longer serve us as we grow into new ones. What are you letting go of? What new phases are you entering into?

I have always believed it is so important to be connected to the seasons, and moon cycles, or knowing where the planets are located. I'm aware people are skeptical when it comes to these things, but the reality is that all of this stuff has a direct influence over the earth and since we are a part of nature then it's safe to say these externals are impacting us whether we are aware or not. 

It's good to flow with nature, not only to feel more connected to the flow of life but also to better connect internally with that higher wisdom inside of you. 

In my last post, I wrote about breaking patterns and learning when to recognize when you are stuck in one. Sometimes, when we aren't connected it's hard to really listen to the signs that you have been given or know when it's time to change and enter a new cycle.

I have always tried to practice listening throughout all facets of my life. Thanks to golf, I got into practicing meditation at a young age and throughout my career learned techniques on how to recognize when I am out of the moment and how to quickly get back in it. You can achieve this by simply focusing on your breathe, or one of my favorite thing to do on the golf course when I get out of the moment, is to touch the grass and I would focus on the sensations I felt from that interaction with the earth. It was always in these moments of connectedness that I could think the clearest and perform the best.      

Sometimes we ask The Universe, God, or whatever higher power you associate with, for help and because we are so disconnected we ignore the signs that are right in front of us. We fail to change because it's a lot easier to externalize our pain and blame others than to look inward and see how we may be contributing to the problem. 

Today in yoga, the teacher kept repeating a quote that really resonated with me, " The opposite of depression is not happiness, it's engagement." In life, I feel a lot of people have a desire to feel connected. Whether it's through friendships or relationships, but they are afraid to engage out of fear of "getting hurt", but in the end, you are not only hurting yourself but also causing those feelings of isolation and depression by depriving yourself of loving experiences. 

I believe that deep down that everyone craves a sense of unity and connectedness, but instead of taking the time to really nurture these connections everyone is looking for quick fixes. Alcohol, food, sex, the list goes on. You might briefly feel that feeling of connection, but just as quickly as you rushed into it, chances are it will leave just as quickly. 

In my life learnings, I have always struggled with wanting the control of getting what I want, when I want. Life definitely does not work like that, and out of a lot of frustration I have learned to let go and try to let life surprise me. It's funny how sometimes the things we want in life have always been there it just takes time for us to grow into them. You just have to learn to be patient. 

A lot of my letting go has been from learning to generate my own love and happiness. When I want that feeling of connection, I go on a walk, or go to yoga, of course, I like to connect with other people but it can be unfair and emotionally draining to others when we look to them to fill the parts where we are lacking. There is so much love in this world that when you learn to see little moments as acts of love, you are honestly never lacking, and once you learn to generate that on your own it becomes infinite. 

We can get so caught up in protecting ourselves from feeling hurt and pain, or people that want to drain your energy that we bottle it all up, but like all balance in life you have to let these emotions flow. It's cliche but, but oh so true, "Gotta give love, to get love." By accepting the fact that your source of love is truly infinite, you let go of the fear of giving it away, because once you truly can create your own and give it freely you will see how it returns to you and you honestly never know when your act of love no matter how small it is, impacts the other person. 

In the last few weeks, I have really been able to recognize these extremely loving moments, big or small, only cause I've opened up and allowed myself to be connected. Not necessarily to a particular idea, but having an open mind and watching how things flow. It's really beautiful when you let go, and start to realize how the right messages and the right people come into your life at the right times. 

So remember to always go with the seasons. Learn to flow, and trust that some things aren't meant to be rushed because sometimes the strongest connections are only made stronger over time.   


Taking the Plunge


Embracing the Emotions