Au Revoir, Éstats-Unis

blog 15.jfif

Bonjour à tous!

I'm currently writing this blog post while sitting poolside, cause your girl has got to get a tan before heading off to...dun..dun..dun (drum roll please).....


That's right, next week I'll be experiencing my own Tour de France, playing some of the nicest golf courses in the country and making sure to get my fill of good French wine and hopefully sneak in a few visits to some yummy pâtisseries. We have the luxury of using Private Golf Key Travel company for our latest adventure, and some of the notable courses we'll be playing are Evian Golf Resort, St. Cloud, and Le Golf National (2018 Ryder Cup course, for those who don't know), As well as visiting other famous French attractions. So, If you don't follow them you are going to want to check them out (@PrivateGolfKeyTravel), and if you are planning to make a trip over for the Ryder Cup this year, I highly suggest booking with them. Otherwise, make sure to follow along on my social media where I'll most likely be documenting every chance I get! J'ai hâte! (It means I can't wait...I think :/) 

Now, onto other pressing matters. I know a lot of people are constantly questioning. How do you have time to do all of this? Where do you get the money? You're never working? Write this down, and then when you're done reading this, do me a favor and google it. Multiple Passive Income Streams. The days of hard work and slaving away at a 9-5 are fading away, my friends. MPIS is a way of the future.

Don't get me wrong there are those people who need to be on strict schedules, love their job, and feel they enjoy that 9-5 lifestyle. Myself, personally, I've never been good with authoritative figures or schedules. So, It suits me better being my own boss. While there are those people who love that 9-5 weekly grind, there are a lot who complain. Who survive day today just to make it to the weekend and then repeat all year round until it's time to retire. 

The best is when people say to me, (Condescendingly, of course) "Man If I only had your life. You don't have to work hard, you just have it so easy."......Well then do it. Do what I do. Too which is always met with MY FAVORITE EXCUSE EVER! "I just don't have the time."  

Last time I check we all have the same 24 hours. We all have the same hours in a day as Beyonce, who's heard that one before! If you really want something you're going to make sacrifices. Otherwise, they are just excuses. Tough Love, but someone's got to say it. 

Yes, my life is easy. My life is effing awesome! But, that's because those are my belief statements and affirmations that I tell myself everydamnday. The reality? When I was playing golf, I was practicing 10 hours a day. Traveling 30 weeks out of the year, but, I'm playing golf....for me that hard work was easy. 

People also don't realize that personal development is also a commitment. Waking up every day and committing to breaking habits, to expand your mind, and to look in the mirror and face those qualities that need work....and then to actually CHANGE them. If this is all you manage to accomplish in a day, pat yourself on the back because you're already a step ahead of the rest! It's easy to be self-aware, but to actually make an effort towards shifting your beliefs and making life changes is no easy task. So if you manage to do this, you my ever-evolving friend are a rockstar!

People like to say, oh you live that life cause your parents have money. Sorry, gonna ruin that one for you too. While no, my parents have never left me out in the cold, they also don't give me free meal tickets. I earned my 200K scholarship to college, I saved money, and learned about investing at an early age. So, mommy and daddy don't really fund my lifestyle, but what they have done, is give me the freedom and support to pursue my dreams and aspirations, and what I'm passionate about is helping others unblock themselves from their fears and conditioned beliefs and start living their best lives, while living my best life! There's no reason why we can't all thrive!!

This week, try to notice what belief statements you repeat to yourself. Is life hard? Are you tired? Let's change those and put more focus on being happy. We aren't put on this earth to be miserable and then die. What have you always wanted to do? What is your dream? What little amount can you do each day to help you achieve that? DO IT!!! 

If you haven't read Steven Pressfield's book "War of Art". Go buy that sucka, and read it. It'll take you maybe 2 days to finish, 1 if you're an overachiever. It talks about resistance and how we basically screw things up for ourselves and then how to overcome those negative thoughts and actually make it to the finish line. It's my go-to book when I feel stuck, I just give it a quick re-read. 

My whole life I've always wanted to write a book. 26 years of wanting to write one, but never actually doing it. Until the other week, I just sat down and decided to start writing. I was so caught up that I didn't sleep for three days and wrote the whole damn thing. It feels pretty damn good to get shit done, let me tell you! It was so easy that I decided to write a second one and will be so excited to publish and start rolling it out in the fall, along with a few new programs that I think are really going to help people start shifting their beliefs and start helping you find that inner peace and happiness! Tons of exciting stuff on the horizon that I can't wait to share with you guys :)

Until then, you can catch me hanging on the French Riviera or living it up in Paris!

-Au Revoir :*


How to be in the moment...even when the moment sucks


Fundamentals of Success