Fundamentals of Success

blog 14.jfif

This week I flew out to Los Angeles to attend Bob Proctor's Paradigm Shift Seminar. Many of you may be familiar with Bob Proctor's work, whether it's through "The Secret" or some of his many other teachings. If you haven't heard the name, I highly recommend you get to know him and his laws for success. 

I've spent the last few days immersed in a group of like-minded people. Incredible, kind humans all in pursuit of the same goal. Success. When we break it down, success can be so relative and honestly much more achievable than we may believe. I spent the last week meeting different people and learning more as to what individual success might look like to some people. For me, the last three days were honestly an experience of a lifetime and I highly recommend it to anyone who is considering on attending a seminar. These are some of my take-aways from the weekend.

Be Conscious of Who You Surround Yourself With

Guys, this is huge. I came into this weekend knowing and already resonating with most of Bob's teachings, but I can honestly say the biggest impact I experienced was from the people I met. Being surrounded with hundreds of people all weekend who are trying to expand, not only in business but spiritually, has a direct impact on instantly raising your vibrations. The amazing thing about being around people like this is not only how helpful they are but they bring out the ability to want to push yourself to be better. Sometimes when we are trying to break of our current realities, or "Paradigms" as Bob puts it, we get pulled back down based on the external influences we allow into our minds. 

Imagine. We are already battling our own fears. The voice inside our head saying, "You can't do that." The majority of the time we are surrounding ourselves with people who project their fear of growth onto us as well, encouraging that voice in our heads that keeps us from growing. 

If you want to be successful, spend time with those who are more successful than you. Find mentors. If you want to change your mindset, spend time around people who share that same mindset you desire to have. Change is a beautiful thing. Evolution is a process of life. Always seek better. 

Be Aware of Where You Focus Your Energy

This is something I have learned over time, that was only further reiterated this weekend. What are you putting your energy towards? Where is your attention? Whatever you spend your time thinking is what you are giving energy to. 

If I spend my time focused on building my career. Daydreaming. Visualizing. Then chances are unknown, I will start taking small inspired actions towards achieving my goal. When we put our energy into achieving something we have no option but to grow our awareness of that thing that has our focus.

On the same token, we can also be unintentionally giving energy towards things we don't want in our lives. For example, If something is bothering you and you are so busy thinking about it, or even talking about it, you are feeding and growing that problem. Energy is so powerful. It's literally what we are made up of, so when we focus however much energy towards one thing, we are essentially giving it life. 

What do you want? Be clear. Be Precise. Paint a Picture in your head and then focus all your energy onto that idea. When you notice distractions, draw your mind back to this image. Sometimes, we get caught up giving our precious energy to things and people that don't deserve it. Save that shit for yourself and watch all the ways you'll start to expand and move forward. 


This is the most important learning EVER! Not just from this weekend, but in life. YOU are unique. You are special. Learn to love yourself. The real you. The perfectly flawed you. 

Interestingly enough, since I've stopped competing I've had this weird thing about telling people I'm a Professional Golfer. Part of me has struggled with the idea that I didn't achieve success or feeling like I gave up. After this weekend I decided, SCREW THAT! Not only did I play professional golf, but I reached a level of skill that took a lot of time, dedication, and personal development. Like I said success is relative, and what I may deem as a personal failure, is success in someone else's eyes. The important thing is that this thing, this part of my life that I have dedicated so much time to, while it isn't "who I am", It is a unique part that makes up who I am. So I've learned that it's time to own it. It's time to stop looking at it as something in which I failed and seeing all the ways I've been successful and broken my own personal barriers in order to achieve what I was able to. 

 It's so important to embrace who we are and learn to own our shit. Don't ever let anyone’s definition of success define yours, and never take advice from someone who has never done what you have/want to do. All we are responsible for is learning to love and accept ourselves. When we are able to do that, it isn't about teaching others to be like us. Instead, through our own journey of self-acceptance, we can encourage others to be the best versions of themselves. 

Overall, It was an amazing week. I'm so grateful to continue this journey of self-development and excited to help others do the same! Stay tuned friends, big things to come this summer. <3


Au Revoir, Éstats-Unis


Just call me a Love Doctor...