The Power Of Divine Energy
I got my first tattoo this weekend. My small form of rebellion, marking my body permanently in hopes of releasing some form of self-expression. It's a small little runic symbol tucked behind my ear, barely visible to anyone unless they were to catch me with my hair in a ponytail. Weeks of trying to decide what I wanted, and weeks of heading towards completely different paths, the day I walked in I had sort of backtracked completely and decided to go with this small symbol that came with a simple meaning, divine energy. Afterward, I really took the time to think about what exactly does this symbol I just permanently put on my body really means to me.
When I was younger, my grandmother gifted me a set of runes. A little satchel full of stones, each with a tribal symbol that holds its own personal meaning. I was taught that if you ask a question, reach into the bag, pull out a stone, then the meaning behind that stone will have the answer to the question you seek. It's always been an interesting notion to me that in moments of total despair and confusion we tend to look towards the "supernatural" to give us answers. Myself, being someone who works in the field of energy and helping people via mediums that most would dubb with an element of magic, or having "special powers", it never ceases to amaze me the faith people will put into my abilities to fix their problems, not realizing that I'm merely just guiding them towards awakening that superhuman part of themselves. See that's the thing about these rules, they're not magic. I'm the magic. YOU are the magic. These stones and their meanings are just there to remind you of that. One in particular always calls out to me, naturally it's the one I chose to put on my body. The symbol of divine energy. That which flows through the earth flows through us, and out into the ethers. The same energy that helps flowers grow and bloom, give us life. The same energy that makes the stars shine, is also within us. SO, tell me, how does that not make each one of us magic?
I've been asking a lot of questions these past few weeks. Getting caught up in the "Why's" of life. Why did this happen to me? Why did they do that to me? Why does this keep happening? Our egos have this nasty little habit of making everything about ourselves. Our ego also keeps us tragically human. Amidst asking ourselves all these questions, we're putting blame on ourselves for allowing others to hoodwink, bamboozle, lead us astray. Instead of trying to find the answer to these questions from external sources, we need to hear the call coming from within asking to be given more self-love and forgiveness. We won't find resolution from seeking justice on those who wronged us or get answers and apologies from those who don't believe they've done anything wrong. So, instead of wasting your energy hoping for certain outcomes or answers to your questions, you need to learn to understand that as hard as it might be to believe...not everything is about you. Not everyone loves or cares at the capacity you do. Not everyone has the same concepts of right vs. wrong. Some people are going through their own internal struggles, and their behavior and actions towards you is a projection of THEM, not YOU! Read that again.
In all my life, I have known this to be true, all that exists in this world is love. Fear is not real, only projections created by our ego. When we tap into that source of life within us, we have all the answers we seek. Intuition, emotions, feelings are the magic that exists in the world and what makes each and every one of us superhuman. Yet, most people fear these gifts so much that they'll never allow themselves to tap into that inner genius that is more powerful than any human notion we might have. I rely on this belief, this supernatural side of myself in times when I'm not really sure what or why certain things are happening in my life. It's my trust in this, divine energy, and The Universe that has led me through some incredible adventures and gotten me through some of the darkest times of my life.
Listening to my inner divinity and choosing this for my tattoo couldn't be more fitting for me, and comes at a time where I too must remind myself that I don't have to look far for my answers. Sometimes, it's remembering that you already have the answers to all the questions you seek. Knowing that when we look to ourselves and the divine energy that flows within us, we will never be lacking in that in which we are in need.