All You Need Is Love
I’ve been getting so much love this past week, so I figured I’d make this post all about the subject of Love. Is there really a better topic? Or a better reason for us to be here on this planet? I think not. Love, my friends, is the answer.
Walking down the street, flashing a smile and saying hello to a stranger.
Taking the time to ask someone how there day is going.
Expressing gratitude and appreciation to those who help us. Whether the task is big or small. Whether it’s a loved one or a stranger.
These are all examples of small meaningful moments that you might think have no impact, but it’s in these small exchanges of loving and positive energy that we are able to raise our own vibration.
Some people mistake the idea of love as merely an exchange between two people romantically involved, but lessening such a grand concept down to something so shallow really strips away it’s true power. You’ve heard that old cliché so many times, “In order to get love, we must give love”, but do you really understand what that means?
What energy have you been putting out into The Universe? If you’re focus on the feeling of hatred or how much you dislike someone, chances are that negativity is manifesting it’s way back into your life. In the past when I used to feel anger towards someone (and even sometimes now *Deep Breaths* ) I realized how exhausting it was to have that hate in my heart. It takes so much energy to have that much resentment for someone, and that energy can consume you….and let me tell you, that person…probably unaffected. Hell, that energy you’re sending is probably helping propel them to greatness. What you focus on grows. Its the law of attraction 101.
As I’ve gotten older and wiser, I have learned how valuable and precious my energy is. I’ve learned how to maximize, build, and elevate my vibes. Which means steering clear of thoughts and emotions that do not serve me. Don’t get me wrong shit still pisses me off, and I’ll probably have no issue making you aware that I’m upset. That’s just who I am. But, after I’ve expressed myself, I summon my Zen Jen qualities and immediately detach myself from giving any more energy to situations that no longer serve me. Then, in the instances that I feel extra upset with someone or like, I can’t move past those feelings I do this really radical exercise where I send tons and tons of love. Chances are if someone has acted towards you out of negativity, it’s because they are in need of healing. So send those good vibes. Because I’m gonna tell you my essentials for stretching and maximizing your own energy.
Jealousy, Fear, Hate. It’s all fake news people. It’s self created in you’re own mind. It exists because you have chosen to allow it to exist. It’s no secret that we currently live in an ego driven society. People living in survival mode and scarcity beliefs. When we shift our perspectives to one of gratitude we start to allow more love energy into our lives. There is so much beauty in the world and we are constantly surrounded by these small moments reminding us to be happy and grateful, all we have to do is pay attention. This morning I went for a walk and in the murky river water, I saw a dolphin. What a beautiful little gift from the universe sending me my daily reminder of how loved I am. In that moment I was so overwhelmed with gratitude and joy to be able to experience that moment that I decided to share my newly acquired energy and say hello and greet the strangers I passed on my walk. My only hope is that by me passing on my energy, others might be able to experience the same wonderful start to their day that I had.
Know the difference in energy you are putting out
You can never be depleted when the energy you put out comes from a vibration of love. Positive vibes can only multiply. Haven’t you noticed when you truly do something for someone and it comes from a place of love, you are normally met with the same. This is a transference of energy. It’s building energy. It’s so important to be aware when the energy you are giving is not coming from that pure state. Are you giving in hopes of getting back? Is what you’re giving out coming from a place of fear or need for approval? Whether people believe in the concept of “energy” or not, theres no denying the ability to feel when someone is being disingenuous. This is when people struggle with energetic imbalances.
Learn to be your own source of energy
If by now you’re all aboard the “energy” train, then you know that the entire world is just one massive force of energy. So creating your own is actually pretty simple. Have you ever rubbed your hands together and then pulled them apart? Chances are you feel them heat up and then feel a strong pull between the two. Bam! That's energy. Created by…you. Easy, right? So, when we master this, we stop looking to other people to fill our energetic cups. So many romantic relationships suffer due to this imbalance. Someone looking to another in order to make them happy, and feeling low when the other can’t deliver. Noooo. Make yourself happy first! This is not a step that you should skip. Imagine how amazing a relationship could be with two people who know how to make themselves happy and then in turn make each other happy? Think of all the positive vibes you’re building there! Life doesn’t have to be a struggle. Love and Relationships don’t have to be tumultuous. You’ve only created that belief in your mind. When we learn to give ourselves love and realize that everything is source, then we make it easier to spread love to others.
So yes, at the end of the day love is the answer for everything.
If you’re feeling upset. Send love to whoever or whatever made you feel upset. Then send love to yourself.
If you feel those irrational fears creeping in, remember that fear is just a figment of the imagination and when you detach from those fears all thats left is love.
If you’re having a bad day, remind yourself of all you have to be grateful for and then push yourself to give out a little extra love that day. You’ll see there are plenty of people willing to give it back.
Love is infinite, and as long as you’re looking you can find it anywhere you go. Whether it’s in the form of gratitude, nature, loved ones, or even strangers. Collect that shit. Then spread it around cause we can all benefit from a little extra love in our lives. <3