Clearing Emotional Blockages
We've all heard about the "Law of Attraction". Whether you know it well or have heard about it in passing, it is the concept that the thoughts we think and project are what we attract into our life. Change your thoughts, change your life. If you've really studied the law of attraction or manifestation, you know it runs deeper than just thoughts. It's also the feelings and emotions we attach to the thoughts that really give power to what we are manifesting into our world, which is why it's so important to be cognizant of the emotional blockages we place upon ourselves that could be keeping you from having the things you want to flow into your life. These three steps are great for beginning your journey into taking control and creating the life you want!
1. The World Is Your Mirror
What is your outside world telling you? This could potentially be the most difficult step in releasing blockages because it forces you to take a long hard look at yourself and realize that everything that is happening to you, good or bad is because of...well, YOU.
You'll find a lot of people complain about repeat scenarios occurring in their life, followed by the question of "Why does this always happen to me?". Instead of facing the fact that they just so happen to be the common denominator, people will find more excuses to blame the external world around them.
It's OK. We have all been there, but sometimes in order to grow out of these not-so-fun patterns, we have to face the cold hard truth that we are the ones creating them. If you continuously attract toxic people and relationships into your life, chances are you're probably also toxic. It's so important to recognize these things and then being accepting and forgiving with yourself. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. When we put into ourselves that which we want to see around us, we are able to energetically align with those things making it easier to attract. This requires being honest with yourself about who you are and how you might be holding yourself back. Personally, when I confronted these situations and started changing my habits it was beautiful to see the shift of watching the toxic people and situations fall out of my life. The more love I put into myself the more my outer world has changed by putting more people in my life who reflect that love and consistency back to me. It's truly amazing and makes confronting those hard truths, worth it.
Most people promote "Kill the ego" or "Lose the ego". The reality is that our ego isn't going anywhere. It's programmed to protect us. It's like the scared little kid inside of us that doesn't want to grow up and wants everything to stay the same. When we fight so hard to "get rid of it" we are wasting precious energy that we could be using for other things. It's learning how to work with the ego, knowing how to talk to that little kid, and again, being understanding and compassionate with them.
This step factors into the 1st step in the sense that we must learn not to take things personally. The ego makes EVERYTHING personal. It is always on guard ready to defend and everyone is attacking. When you realize that majority of people struggle with their own personal issues, you can begin to accept that not everything is about you. It is so easy to allow people to alter our moods based on their actions towards us. It's in realizing that these actions have very little to do with us and way more to do with the person’s own problems, that we begin to find acceptance and peace within ourselves. When we react to these actions on a personal level, then it is reflecting to us something we need to work on in ourselves. Make sense?
When that little kid inside of us feels hurt and insulted sometimes he wants to lash out on them instead of observing and understanding what place that person is coming from. These are moments when it is important to talk and nurture the ego. Act with love vs. fear. We can't change people, all we can do is set an example by treating them how we want them to treat us. Have you ever noticed that if you are angry with someone, you'll fight with them over and over again in your head? Guess what... they are not there. So all those nasty things that imaginary version of them is saying to you, is actually you saying it to you. So, really you are creating unnecessary feelings of resentment towards this person when the real person you clearly have a problem with is yourself. Mind blown, I know.
When we start learning to remove ego from the equation we can begin to live our truth and free ourselves of other people's hurled judgments and projections of fear. When you ascend to this level, either people will energetically match you, or they will be forced to vibrate out of your frequency. Spoiler Alert: The ones that don't stick around aren't meant to be there. Do YOU booboo!
3. Control the Narrative
In today’s society, everyone is so concerned with labels and not wanting to be put into a box, when they fail to realize they are actually putting themselves into a box. What adjectives are you using to describe yourself on a daily basis? What beliefs are you reiterating to yourself? We are constantly programming ourselves with self-limiting beliefs. When you begin to understand the immense power of the mind sometimes all it takes is changing how you talk and describe yourself and you'll see how everything shifts around you. Often times our emotional blockages come from the simple vocabulary we use every day.
"I want to make money, but I'm lazy"
"It's hard for me to focus, I'm easily distracted"
"I want a relationship, but it's hard for me to open up"
"I'm fat"
"I'm crazy"
The list goes on.
Whether we mean to or not, by continuously telling ourselves these beliefs we energetically project it and in turn attract more of the same.
I challenge you to take a day where you write down all these statements that you catch yourself saying and then at the end of the day write down a list of words and affirmations that you would like to see more of in your life. If you want more love to come to you, then give yourself more loving affirmations. If you want more success in your career then start to describe yourself with adjectives that project success. By changing our basic vernacular we can train our brains to believe the things we want. By saying "I am" we create the emotion that what we want, we already have. Perception is Reality.
We have complete control of our surroundings, it's just a matter of being present and putting forth the effort to really release some of these hindrances and start putting out more of what we'd like to get back. Learning that shifting the world around us doesn't require us to force other people to change, but rather changing how we interact with ourselves and then in turn how we interact with others.