What do I know?
People always say, “write about what you know”, well at the young age of 26 most could argue that I don’t know much, and they would most likely be right.
I do not claim to be well versed in the matters of love. I could sit here and say I know about heart-break, and while I’ve had my fair share of heartbreaking experiences I realize they have more to do with failed realizations rather than relationships.
I wake up every day and try to find my why? What will I accomplish today that’s going to make me a little bit better tomorrow? What is this all for?
If it answers you’re looking for, I don’t have them. I’m still trying to find them myself.
What I do know about is life, life from my perspective. It’s the only thing in this crazy enigma of a world that we all have control over. Perception. My reality isn’t your reality, they may cross over at times and we may make a cameo appearance in someone else’s life, but it doesn’t give us control.
So when I say I speak from what I know, it’s exactly what I’m doing. Speaking from only what I know and that’s who I am and what my experiences on this great journey have been thus far.
I don’t have the answers to what the meaning of life is, I have my own thoughts and ideas.
I can’t tell you how to be successful, I can only share with you the ways I try to reach my goals.
I’m no love doctor, but when it comes to loving life, the process, and the journey, this I CAN tell you about, through my own personal narrative of growth.
For those who say twenty-six is still very young (well, thank you!) I don’t disagree with you. I find excitement in looking back on the first quarter of my life and seeing how much I’ve already done, all the places I’ve been, people I’ve met, and events that have molded me into who I am now. Then I think of all the things in life that I still want to do. The places I’ll go and the people I will meet. If my first 25 years are a reflection of the next 25, I’d say that sets up for a damn good trajectory.
So here it is, my diary and my love letter to life.
A compilation of my past, present, and future. The good, the great, and the heartbreak. I can only hope that in sharing my truth you may be inspired to live yours and through my experiences of love and happiness, I hope to give you more of a perspective on what those concepts might mean to you.